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Year 2

Classes and Staff

Chestnut Class (Mr McKenzie and Mrs Jones)

Maple Class (Mrs Culley, Mrs Gill, Mrs Davis and Ms Whitehead)

What to expect

Year 2 is the final year children spend with us at Thorns and marks an important milestone as the end of Key Stage 1.

Year 2 is filled with interesting topics that are sequenced so that they build upon the learning in Year 1. Each topic is ended with a final flourish that has previously included a balloon car designing workshop and trip to Gaydon Motor Museum, as well as the Great Fire of Kenilworth where a mock town is set ablaze on the field!

  • Food glorious food
  • Fire, Fire!
  • Mrs Armitage to travel?
  • The Owl and the Pussycat
  • What makes us like other animals?
  • The Seaside
Key Statutory Assessment Points

Key Stage One SATS - May/June

Preparing for Junior School

One of the advantages of being a federation with two schools is that our children transfer to Park Hill Junior School at the end of Key Stage One. This promotes independence and develops children’s resilience in adapting to new environments and change.  

As Park Hill Junior School is the destination school for the vast majority of children, we prepare the children throughout their time at Thorns in order to make the transition as smooth and positive as possible.  

During Year 2 many activities are planned with Park Hill Junior School so that the children become used to the new environment and teachers: 

  • In Year 2, the children all walk to Park Hill in order to watch the Year 3/4 Christmas play.  
  • In June/July, Year 3 teachers go to Thorns and teach the children for an hour in their Year 2 classrooms. 
  • In July, Year 2 Children visit for induction day and spend a whole day at Park Hill. 

Every year, the whole Park Hill Thorns federation come together at Thorns for ‘Sing Up Day’. This is when each year group performs a song and has a picnic.  

There is also a comprehensive new parents evening in June every year so that parents can meet the Year 3 teachers and see the classrooms. This meeting will go through morning and afternoon drop-offs, the timetable, homework expectations, wider aspects of school life and how to communicate with class teachers.  

Transition can be a challenging time for children with additional needs. The SENCO’s of both schools meet to ensure that the transition is also effective for all the children with additional needs. The SENCO and class teacher will meet with parents to discuss any additional requirements prior to transitions. This can include additional elements such as an extra visit to Park Hill or a transition booklet alongside the core transition activities.

All of these activities and meetings ensure that all children settle very quickly and there are no gaps in their learning.